26 September 2011

Our weekend camping

Daddy's little girl
Wrigley reservoir up Ferron Canyon- I love Aspens in the fall, they are my favorite.
We tried for a family photo
Josie loved watching dad gut the fish
While mommy slept in Daddy and Josie went fishing and they had so much fun.
We made a tent to go over the back of the truck and it worked super well. It was super cold but I guess that is our fault for going camping late in the season and high in the mountains, but we had fun.

Josie loved our make shift tent

I canned peaches and they turned out pretty well

I threw a baby shower for one of my friends and we made these cute onesies and they turned out great. It was fun and I am excited for her.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Carly!! I'm always so impressed with how adventurous you are and crafty!! Josie is soooo grown up and adorable! The apron you made me is the BEST! I love you and love you guys!
