29 January 2014

The Holiday Season

Warning Long Post!

Dylan Has kept me on my toes the last little while. Every time I lay down he gets into something. Busy little boy.

Every Monday night in November the college has a soup night and all proceeds go to the food bank. We went with Bonnie and had a lot of fun. 

I helped make some quiet books for our ward to use in Sacrament meeting. It helped pass the time and get used to Jordan being gone so much with his new calling.


Feeding the alligator at the museum. 

The worse mess yet! almost three dozen eggs scattered around the house. I am so glad I am done with morning sickness, so I can keep track of my little boy. 

Josie wanted a picnic, but it is too cold outside, so we did one inside. 

One craft project done for Christmas, and the kids bundling up to go get the mail. 

This one happened on Jordan's watch! 
Thanksgiving, we spent with my family in Wellsville at my sister's house. My other sister was there from NM, so we also did our Christmas gift exchange. We celebrated my Dad's birthday, did a puzzle and had fun. 

For Christmas we gave my parents a sleigh ride up in Midway. They took the girl grandchildren and went and saw Santa. 
Visiting Jordan's work.

We went to the USU vs BYU basketball game with Brenda and Fran at the Energy Solutions Arena. Utah State lost, but it sure was fun to get into some school spirit again. 

Lazy December. We only got snow once and it melted by the time we got home from Church, but the kids were still super excited. 

Festival of trees

Josie helped Dylan with this mess this time. 

Josie had a no T.V. week and on Saturday we went and saw Frozen together. It was so much fun. We also went shopping and out to lunch. 

Seeing Santa at the ward party

Christmas came early this year with two hand me down gifts from our sweet neighbors. A new kitchen and Salon. We really don't have much room for them, but the kids sure love them. 

Spending some time in Centerville for Christmas was a lot of fun. They got a ton of snow, so we spent lots of time in it. We went up the canyon on the four wheeler and went sledding down the canyon road. 

The snow unicorn my siblings built was a huge hit with the girls. 

My dad made me a cool looking wooden top ornament
My parents made treasure boxes for the grandchildren and inscribed their name on them. 

We spent Christmas Eve in Brigham. We did a nativity, skyped with Aaron and opened presents.

We got to come home Christmas Eve night and have Christmas morning at our home for the very first time, and it was so lovely. 

Christmas day we went out to look for "reindeer". It was fun to get out and we saw a good looking 6 point.

Christmas Dinner!

Going for a walk to the park!
We went up North again for New Years and my mom took some family photos. I love the way they turned out. 

We spent New Year's Eve at Jordan's parent house! Lot of fun games, food and company

Sledding on New Years Day

Jordan went snowboarding with some of his family

Such a wonderful holiday season, and we feel very blessed. Still hard to say goodbye to family.