Projects that kept me busy: Put vinyl on our stairs, tried out some chalk paint on a desk (not done yet) and re did our kitchen table. It was light oak, and we sanded and stained the top and painted the legs and benches. We love it.
Dylan's random nap place, Taking Bonnie out to eat at Balance Rock and Dylan using his brain to be able to turn on the light.
Josie and I are working on a fairy garden this summer and this was testing out some ideas. The wind came and blew most of this apart, so we have to do it a little bit more sturdy.
My kids love it when Activity day girls come to our house. This was them reading Dr. Suess books to them.
Josie's "piles", she loves the cubby in the front room.
Dylan dumped out my seeds that I planted so I had to start over.
We LOVE our rabbit. We got a leash for it and get it out and watch it hop around. Dylan especially loves it, but isn't always the softest.
Enjoying the sun and getting some yard work done.
St. Patrick's day at the library was pretty intense. We also got to go to the parade, which was so windy that I didn't get any pictures.
Dylan's first love; can always be found. We got this four wheeler from my uncle and it has been a blast having two and being able to take our whole family.
We got baby chicks, unfortunately we have lost 7 of the 8 we got. Living and learning as we try and raise chickens.
My kids art wall I put up, now lets see if I ever get around to rotating the pictures.
My mom came down to watch my sister Bonnie in her beauty pageant. We were lucky to have her play with us and help get my peas planted and other outside work.

My dad came also to watch Bonnie and spent the day putting in our dishwasher. We are so lucky and have been so happy having one. I love it and feel super spoiled. Just when my belly got to the point where is hit right up to the counter, I now have another way to do dishes. My favorite part? The buttons are on the top and hidden from my little boy :)
My dad also installed our new fan in our front room. I love how it looks like a windmill.
Staring out the window and wishing it were warm enough to go outside
Everyday that I don Josie's hair she makes me take a picture so she can see what it looks like, such a cutie.
It is getting harder to get Dylan to take a nap without me laying down with him. Sometimes he is just so tired he just falls asleep.
Learning how to share the tablet
Our two projects this spring: Building two more garden boxes and a fireplace.
Fruit Shiskabobs for dinner
We decided to be nice to our children and buy them decent pillows to sleep on, they had fun playing in the cart with them.
Found this picture from Yosemite last year and loved Bart photobombing it.
Just some candids, the kids love to take pictures and look at them.
We drove to Provo, and stayed with Leigh and Reed. We got to go shopping at the mall and play with cousins. Jordan and I got to go on a date to the temple, afterwards we went hiking up the canyon. Thanks to Leigh we got some time to ourselves and the kids got to play with their cousin. We also got to go to the Womens General Broadcast together.
Family Home Evening we set up the tent in the front room and talked about King Benjamin in preparation for conference.
I got Jordan an early birthday gift; a back support for work and he is loving it. Poor guy has to sit in front of a computer all day. We appreciate his hard work.
We had a fun Easter egg hunt with cousins.
The men before Priesthood meeting.
Jordan got to go fishing with his brothers. Dylan tried escaping out the window.
We spent Sunday at my parents house and the kids like always enjoyed the hammock, didn't take enough pictures though.
Trying out our Volcano stove. We now have a grill for hamburgers.
It is amazing what a little water and fertilizer can do to a lawn in a month. The water came on and of course we had to fix some of the pipe. Our neighbor knocked on our door at 5:30 one morning to tell us our yard was flooding.
A better and reinforced door for the fairy garden.
Love watching my kids playing
I was able to go up North and do some observations in Davis County School district. We stayed with my parents for a few days. We missed Daddy but got some much needed break from out regular routine. I got to eat lunch with my dad at his school, go shopping at JoAnns, Home Depot (got a new toilet for our basement) and got to go to the D.I. and get some new and much needed children's books. I also got to visit my high school friends, Pam and Synthia. Loved our visit and happy for them in their lives.
The night I got back from Centerville, I attended the republican voting convention in Carbon County and got to participate in voting as a county delegate. I think I was the youngest one there, but had a fun time and I am glad for this learning experience.
That night our friends the Lyons came and stayed with us and the next morning we woke up early and headed out to go camping in Goblin Valley. So much fun. They have a little boy Josie's age and it was fun to see them play and explore. Thomas is Jordan's high school friend and they had a blast catching up and taking off and exploring. I got to know Melinda better and she bonded with Josie. She was also a Huge help in getting things done so I didn't feel overwhelmed. I even was able to to the hike. We met up with our neighbors the Dansie's and had dinner, an easter egg hunt and hike.
We brought a kits, but didn't get it to fly. The kids did love the streamers.
Our awesome campsite!
Easter Sunday! The Lyons' joined us and we got a fun visit from the Easter bunny, colored eggs and searched for them outside.
Thank you Lyon's for joining us and come again!
The cherry tree is in blossom.
The park by our house got a new playground!!! Yeah!! I wasn't expecting it and it was very much needed. Now we can spend all summer here. It is just two blocks away and is quite the intense playground.
Spring has been good to us. We love our yard and all the hard work it is. We love our small home and the comforts it brings the beautiful place we live and most of all we love our children and the blessing they are in our lives.
Just about one month until we get to bring a little girl into the family and we are excited for what lies ahead.
I am so glad that your new dishwasher has hidden buttons that are on the top! haha That is a luxury we can't wait for either, so glad you got one. You guys are always up to so much fun, and fun work! I know I say it now because I don't have one, but I miss having a yard so much. I come down to Brigham just to mow my parents' yard and help my mom weed the flower beds... Some day :) So excited that you're almost down to a month before baby girl arrives!