For being winter we have kept ourselves pretty busy!
Our Christmas Present from my parents!!!! Love it
Dylan will not stay out of the bathroom sink or kitchen sink. We have to lock the bathroom door so he won't get in, but it makes it hard for Josie to go when she needs to.
At the end of January I drove down with my parents to New Mexico to visit Brenda and help her move. It was a fun vacation and the kids loved playing together. Dylan was still in his biting phase, so it was rather stressful trying to keep him away from Eli.
One random Monday my friend Mika and I took our kids and drove down to Arches for the day. It was still cold and quite windy but we had a blast and it was the first time I had been out in nature for a long while.
Visited Centerville briefly for a friend's baby shower. Dylan loved hanging out with grandpa and taking care of the chickens.
Sunday fun: We brought down my parents bible flannel
figures and let the kids play with them on Sundays and
it is so much fun. Josie got more legos for her birthday and loves playing with them.
One Saturday we drove down into the Swell. We were on the hunt for petroglyphs and dinosaur tracks. It was so delightful and so beautiful.
The swell from the south end looking North.
Josie loved seeing the animal tracks in the snow!
Josie turned 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We made a strawberry shortcake for her and had her favorite food for dinner. Edaname!
She got some barbies and legos and some new shoes!
Bonnie came over and we had a party!
Celebrating her birthday at storytime!
Doing preshool at our house. It has been a blast and Josie loves it!
Dylan's first selfie!
We also went up to Leigh Ann's on President's day and hung out with cousins. Chelsea came down and the kids had so much fun!
Dylan loves to play in water, so he loves to help with the dishes.
visiting Bonnie at her dorm
The cute one's I get to spend all Sunday with!!!!!
Dylan's messes. He is a smart kid, and will find anything to climb up onto the counter. He has dumped the garbage can a few times. He got into the flour bin, and that was quite the mess to clean up. He never stays clean when he is eating and I change his outfit several times a day. Love the kid, hate the messes.
We loved having the Olympics on this February and it made a great addition to our evenings together. Josie loved them, but really only liked watching the girls. We had ice cream several times and stayed up late past our bedtimes. We pulled out the map and did a little geography too.
Hanging out at the park on a warm day after taking a load to the dump.
Heading to the library!
We moved the carpet and enjoyed a little wiggle car racing and playing with the strollers.
My St. Patrick's Day banner, with maps of Ireland. Love how it turned out. We went to the blue and gold dinner and the kids got pool noodle swords and shields and had a blast.
Spending a few hours seeing how it would be to have triplets! Lots of work.
Josie got to go to the Father Daughter Dance at her friend's again this year and it was so fun. She was kinda shy but looked so beautiful and Jordan was the perfect date.
Reading some books!!!
We had a great few months but we are just eager for spring to come!!!!!
Loved looking at your pictures and seeing what you're up to. Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend!!