Happy Birthday Dylan!!!
Dylan turned two on the 25th of April. We started the day off with sprinkle pancakes. I made a dump truck cake for him.
He got a toy drill which he loves to stick in his mouth and vibrate. He also got a little basketball hoop. He also got a bumblebee car.
The day after Dylan's birthday we went up to SLC. Jordan went to the Republican Convention all day and I took the kids to the Discovery Gateway with Grandpa and Grandma Yates. The kids had a blast!

My mom made crowns for the girls for Easter. This is Josie and I in our crowns. Josie loves hers because it is blue like Elsa. I borrowed a stamp kit and bought some spoons at the D.I. and made garden markers. They turned out super cute.
We finished up our co-op preschool and I am glad we did it. On my last day we made paper bag kites.
Jordan turned 29 this year. We had a skookie for his cake and it was delicious. He got a solar panel kit for our 72 hr. kit. The kids gave him a book called "Daddy and I" I got him a swimsuit and some Guaranana.
Our Yard at the beginning of May
left the sprinklers on over night - Whoops
moved the rabbit cage
Our garden getting planted.
Planted some flowers in some places.
Got a new flag for our post.
Spent a lot of time in and out of Sutherlands. The kids love how they have popcorn.
Neighborhood Cinco de Mayo party!
Dylan loves taking selfies.
Dylan making more messes (cool whip) a d Josie's new past time CHALK
I had a hard day and Jordan surprised me by getting me flowers. He may not like celebrating valentines day but when I randomly get flowers, it is so much better. They lasted until mother's day which was delightful.
Josie organizing her sock drawer A giant egg and a oblong egg
I made a car seat cover for our little girl and I am so happy about the way it turned out.
Selfies with Josie
Our beautiful lilacs in bloom
Mother's day weekend we drove up to Brigham to attend Jordan's cousin's Landon's funeral. It was a good weekend to be with family and we got to see everyone and visit the cemetery. Jordan got a ride back with Travis on Sunday night and I stayed for some observations the next two days.
While in Centerville, I took some of my flowers from Jordan over to my grandparents grave.
Calista came down with her kids and they got to spend lots of time playing. So much fun.
Dylan got plenty of exploring time with grandpa's cool things like his little yellow car.
I got the kids pictures taken at Target. I haven't got the prints yet so these are just a sneak peek. I love how they turned out. It made me realize how grown up my kids are.
A Saturday in May after we did some yard work we drove out to Huntington State Park and went Kayaking. We had tinfoil dinners and roaster starbursts. It was super windy but fun to get out and the kids loved throwing rocks in the lake. We also tried out taking the Kayak on top of our van. Looked pretty cool.
on our way home we went to the city park in Huntington. It is fun to watch Jordan play on the toys with the kids. Melts my heart.
Got a new kitchen faucet
Redid the edging to our front flower bed and it looks so much better. We also put in a new toilet in the basement and fixed it up a little bit nicer for Bonnie.
We had to install locks on our doors so Dylan can't out. The other day we got out, got a chicken and brought it back into the house.
We love having Bonnie live with us. The kids love coloring with her and doing exercises in the morning.
My cute baby sleeping, he is still taking two hour naps and I hope that continues.
I made little travel purses for my nieces and nephews and Josie. Calista and my mom stopped by on the way to NM and we got to play and visit a little bit. I sent them with some fun things to do on their long drive. Calista is headed all the way to Texas for the summer.
Playing in the rain
Hanging out at one of our Memorial Day BBQ
Saturday of memorial day weekend we went up to Provo. We were going to go to seven peaks, but it was super cold. Instead we went to the park, played in the splash pad and went shopping at The Sportsman's Warehouse. Afterward we went to Leigh Ann's new house and had a BBQ. Grandpa and Grandma Yates came down and we played kickball in the back yard. Such a fun day. We took the truck up so we could get Johnny's old trampoline.
The new tramp
Memorial Day we drove over to Starvation Reservoir. We took our Kayak and had a blast. It was hot and we all got some sun.
Trying to teach Josie how to take pictures and I figured I need some more pregnant pictures of me.
Hamburgers on the front lawn for dinner. We love summer
Dylan's chocolate face and long shaggy hair.
Our cottonwood tree produced cotton for the first time and it is a mess. I don't like it at all. Luckily it only lasted a week and the lawn mower sucked most of it up.
Hike to Gordon Creek Falls with the Jackson family. It is a two mile round trip hike, and I did it 5 days before my due date. I was really hoping it would send me into labor, but it did not.
Came home from the hike and made a whole bunch of freezer meals in preparation for the baby to come. 
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