What a month!We spent almost every weekend driving up North. We started the month by spending the fourth of July weekend with Jordan's family. The boys went on a backpacking trip to White Pine Lake up Logan Canyon. The girls and grandkids, went swimming, spent time at the park, watched fireworks and had a sleepover at Bryan and Sheena's apt. Then on Saturday, we all met up at Bear Lake. By the time we got to Bear Lake my youngest kids were exhausted and spent the time sleeping. We then had to drive home (5hrs) in a Truck that had no air conditioning. We had fun time with cousins. It is just a hot time of year to travel.

These pictures are before we left for the fourth. I got a flat tire on the van just moments before we were to leave on our trip. I am grateful it happened when it did and not when the car was packed down with people and things. We drove the truck instead which had no air conditioning. Before we left I took Josie to her online preschool graduation. Upstart was a great program and Josie did so well. She is definitely ready for kindergarten.
I continued with my science camps at the library. My favorite one was the physics, where we made artbots!!! Camille has come and helped me and my friend Gina has watched my kids in exchange for her kids attending my science camp free.
I woke up from a nap and found my kids playing in the curtains reading books!!!!!
Our summer has been quite different than last summer. We have only had playgroup a hand full of times, but we have gone to the pool a ton. Most of our summer has been filled with science camp, scouts, swimming, gymnastics and takings naps.
It hailed one day and the kids had a blast playing in it. The clouds down here never cease to amaze me. We love living here and want to stay!!!
With Bonnie's rent money from last semester we bought ourselves a reading couch. It has been so fun. We spend lots of time on it and it makes our front room complete. It even rotates!
We had several days of rain and went up to the fairgrounds and went puddle jumping. After driving through several puddles we got out and took pictures jumping over them. It was a blast. We sat on the lawn at the park and had a FHE lesson and played Frisbee and the kids played on the playground.
The challenge of the summer has been trying to potty train Dylan. We have had too many accidents and it seems to never end. So glad I have Jordan and Camille to help me clean him up.
Jordan got this book for me for my birthday and it came this month. It has been such an interesting book and I find that it has helped me figure myself out and try to understand others. It is just like taking a personality test but on a different level. A more spiritual and deeper understanding of who we are and what are talents are.
I bottled 80lbs. of chicken with Camille for my sister Calista and I. It was quite the mess, but will be greatly used. We had a BBQ and invited friends over. We haven't spent much time in our yard this summer like we did last summer, but when we do we love it.
These are some photos that my sister Camille has taken of my kids. Love them.
School lunch with our friend Jersey.
For FHE another week we drove out to Huntington Lake with several other families in our ward. Our kids all fell asleep on the way. Beautiful Reservoir.
I attended a R.S. activity and it was so cute. All about making lemonade out of Lemons. It was a garden party complete with hat wearing.
Living with Camille has been a good eye opener to how beautiful this world can be. We look at sunsets almost every night. This one was one of our favorites, where she and I ran down our driveway to get a good photo. We went grocery shopping and got snowcones from a fundraiser outside the doors. It was a good distraction for the kids while we loaded up.
The kids love our friends John Deer truck even though you have to push it.
I was able to go up to cache valley and go water skiing with my cousin Julia and our dear friend Mike. Just like old times. We got rained out for a few hours but were able to get a few good runs in. I have not skied in 7 years but was able to get up. It was a blast, although the water was 60 degrees and the air was 50 degrees. We also got to visit with Mike's parents at the farmhouse and eat the famous homemade bread. Jordan was a blessing and drove me up and took my kids so I could enjoy some nostalgic time with my friends.
We have been going to school lunch each week after scouts. The kids love it and so do I. It is free and I don't have to worry about lunch. Josie can't wait until she can go to school.
Wrestling with Daddy
Johnny and Leigh came and visited and attended my science camp them spent the afternoon playing and visiting. It was so good to have them come down. We love visitors.
Our dear friends the Dansie's moved to California this month and we are soooo sad. They have been such good friends to us and our children. I have learned so much from Charlyn and wish her the best.
I can never get all my kids to look at the camera at the same time. These photos make me laugh because if its not one its another one not looking.
On the 24th we attended the Family Reunion of my Squires family. It was at a park in Farmington and was so much fun. We played lots of minute to win it games. We did a tug o war, rode horses, bottle rockets and did skits about my grandparents life.
Jordan and I went out on a date night to celebrate our anniversary. We stayed at the Marriott in SLC and it was a beautiful place to stay. Jordan and I have not had one night to ourselves since our children were born. It was a much needed escape. We will have to do it more. We went shopping at city creek, and went up to SnowBird and rode the tram up the mountain. It was a beautiful day and the mountain air was so refreshing.
Hanging out with my family is different now that Benson is the only one living at home. We watched his friend and him, fix my parents doorknob and Dylan helped Bart sift the sand in the sandbox.
Maudie played in a leaky faucet and these pictures capture the true joy she experience as we let her get wet.
We stopped at Smith and Edwards on one of our drives to Brigham city and got some treats. I got some chick o sticks that always remind me of my dear sweet grandma and her love for them. We had a bike rodeo with the scouts for pack meeting and my kids had a blast just playing with the props. Josie was proud to get her bike registered with the police officers.
It has been a good month!!!!!
I love your reading couch! And I miss the mountains :)