We left our kids in Brigham to play with cousins and grandparents for a few days. They had fun playing with cousins, going to the treehouse museum and playing at the splash pad. I was able to get some cleaning done and go shopping with Camille. I also went out to eat with Jordan to celebrate our 7 year anniversary.

We picked up our kids and went straight camping. We went up the canyon from Thistle. We got rained on in the middle of the night. We had a blast especially when Jordan told bear stories.
We stopped and visited the old school house in thistle.
Since we were mostly through the Canyon when we got done with camping we drove to Scheels and bought a box to put on top of our van. The kids rode the ferris wheel and loved looking at the fish.
Dylan never ceases to amaze me. This was by far the worst I have had to clean up. Pots and pans, toasters covered in different cleaners and a million little water crystals that expand when wet.
We drove up to Centerville while Jordan went to the Republican Convention in SLC. WE spent the day playing with Calista's kids and Bart and Benson. That night we went to my 10 year class reunion at Viewmont.
In the SBO room with just a few of us.
I did my last science camp stuff and one of the mom's gave me this bouquet of flowers and a thank you card. It was super sweet. I was able to buy 6 kids chairs, two book series and donate $200 to the Helper Library.
This little girl thinks she is a climber. I have to watch her careful now.
Bike ride one afternoon. We have loved having Jordan home early on his early weeks.
Jordan tried shooting a bow for the first time and did rather well.
I proceesed over 150 lbs of pears. This is some of the raspberry pear jam.
We had so much fun on Saturday going 4 wheeling we went again on monday up behind our house. Camille came with us this time.
Surprise back to school gifts in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks
We drove up to Provo and met my mom and Daivanie and went shopping with Camille for mission clothes. The kids were really good .
We have been getting some rain lately and one day we went on the four wheelers with Camille over to the old dump and looked for old bottle. The kids thought it was awesome.
This was a horrible day. Dylan and Maudie were sidekicks in getting messy. Needless to say they spent lots of time in the bath and I spent lots of time scrubbing.
Josie started soccer and had her first game which her team lost but she scored a goal. Her friend's mom is the coach and she has two friend on her team. This is when she was done and the kids were running down the field laughing their heads off.
Today was Josie's first day of school. I can't believe it. After some drama and me dealing with the principal I finally got her in the right class. She has Mrs. Burgess and she has 6 friends that she know in her class. I am so excited for her.
Blowing bubble with Maudie, she was in heavenCamille got into an accident wakeboarding with the McCourts and had to get stitches. Poor thing, she was super brave.
Bryce says you guys have all the fun!! I want to try some of that raspberry pear jam. Looks so good! Love seeing you pictures on here.