words to come....................
Pictures taken by my mom at her house. She was a saint and babysat our children several times this month, so that we could go to the temple and other family things.
We got to go to the temple for Bonnie's first time. It was a great experience. We had a lot of enjoyable conversations getting her ready.
I was able to work with my old professor that is now at Uconn on a project that he was writing a paper for. He sited me in the notes, which made me really happy.
Conference weekend we were all sick. We weren't able to go up to Brigham for the weekend which was disappointing, We lounged around all weekend. Poor kiddos didn't have a fun Easter.
We did color eggs.
We went an old miners cemetery on Easter Sunday. It had lots of unmarked graves from a mine disaster.
Because we missed out on Easter with cousins, I drove up to SLC and we went to the UMNH with cousins. We had a blast.
We stopped and saw uncle Bart on the way home and got some ice cream and got to see his work.
I brought the 3-D printer home of my dad's and invited all kinds of kids in our area to come and see how it worked.
I am starting pocket pen pals with cousins. This is the first one we got from Della. This was Brenda's idea and has been so much fun.
Bountiful Baskets at my mom's house! She babysat while we were at the play.
Hale CenterMy primary class, quite the rowdy bunch, but they make me happy.
Sisters Sunday nap
Josie organizing her clothes
Josie at her Lets Play Music Class. She has loved it and had a blast.
Brenda stopped by on her way home from a visit to Centerville and we went to the park and for a walk along helper parkway.
For preschool I did a hike, the kids loved it.
Dylan trying the butter. I really do feed him......
I rearranged and moved Maudie into the kids bedroom, She is now sleeping through the night and it is absolutely wonderful. She has grown up a lot in the last month and seems to be happier and takes better naps.
Dylan turned 3 and we went camping for his birthday. We had a Baymax cake, and a delightful time.
The Mellors came out and joined us for dinner. They brought him an awesome hat from Mexico and a giant Minion.
We also celebrated Jordan's birthday because he turned 30 the week after.
Dylan loves his new balance bike.
On the same camping trip we drove down to see dutchman's arch, heart of sinbad, and swaseys cabin.
The Lone Warrior and an awesome blooming cactus
The last time we were here at swaseys cabin was six years ago when were lived in Price for the Summer.
Jordan lost the pin so he engineered something to get us home.
Doing Legos we got for Birthdays
While we were gone camping the deer ate my strawberry and raspberry plants and the the chickens laid a lot of eggs.
For Preschool we went to the Helper Musuem and saw the trains.
For Jordan's actual birthday we went on a date to Balance Rock and toured the Fazzio's home while Bonnie babysat for the last time. :( when we came home we had this surprise.
Bonnie cleaned the kids teeth one last time
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