Walked to the library on a foggy day. Delightful
All our loot from the library
Made our Hawaii necklaces into ornaments and put the homemade names of Christ on our tree this year.
The library got a new box of dress up and my kids love it. Here they are dressed up like rescue puppies.
Before After
We decided to do a little painting in the basement to whiten things up for Bonnie who moved in the 1st of December. It looks soooooo much better! We even painted a mural on the wall that matches the shower curtain and decor.
Our friend invited us over to watch the light parade. We stayed nice and warm in the dentist office until the parade arrived. We watched it, saw Bonnie then she came and joined us and we went inside for hot chocolate. The light parade is so much fun and looks so cool. Then we got to watch the fireworks.
We had breakfast with Santa at the Helper Auditorium
Dress ups- the kids have been enthralled with dressing up lately. It is fun to see their creativity and imagination.
Our Tree This year- always makes is so cozy at Christmas time.
We went to the park on a warm day, did window clings, and little miss maudie in her swing.
Learning to sit up, and hanging out with Bonnie in the basement.
The kids got to go to the dinosaur museum for a free day to learn about fossils. They got cute necklaces, and dug out fossil and had a blast.
We went down with Bonnie to the car wash and vaccumed out the vehicles. It was so much fun. The kids danced in the parking lot and we admired the beautiful place we call home.
Ward Christmas Breakfast was fun, the kids decorated Christmas cones with candy and had a fun ride from Max. Poor Jordan was in the kitchen the whole time.
Maudie loved playing under the tree and with the presents. We did a lot of reading of Christmas stories from our stash that has over 30 books now. Each night we read scriptures and lit a candle which the kids loved. Josie playing (she is so good at independent play) with our egg carton pirate ship.
Maudie loves to sit on Josie's lap when she watches T.V. and Dylan loves to watch Josie do Preschool on the computer.
Pulled Maudie's hair back in pig tails. She looks so different. We went down to the family history center to look at Sis. Silatoe's many nativites. She was such a sweetheart to help Josie make a craft and the kids loves the nativities.
Our neighbors had a awesome solo cup light ball and I had to make one. It was super easy and turned out so cool. I think next year we will make a couple and hang them instead of Christmas lights.
The weekend before christmas we drove up and met Bart @ temple square and saw all the lights.
Uncle Bart got Ben and Cami some pet rats and the grandkids love them. Totally awesome.
It was so fun spending the day watching wrestling. Benson is a sophmore and wrestling varsity. So proud of him.
Finally finished painting my wooden nativity, and got Dylan's two year old portrait from my mom.
Josie and I on our annual mommy daughter date to get our hair cut.
Dylan has the habit of putting toys in the oven. This is when I forgot to check before I turned the oven on. He also did this a week before at my mom's house.
Christmas eve, Brenda and Fran stopped by on their way up to Centerville.
Christmas Eve Dylan opened his new bedspread my mom made for his birthday. The kids also opened their books. It is one of the few traditions we have developed. We went to a nice Christmas Eve dinner at our friends home. It was a delight and a good way to start the holidays.
Christmas Morning!!!! So much fun. The kids were so full of excitement and it was so magical. Josie got a costume from how to train your dragon 2 and the movie. Dylan got a paw patrol "rescue puppies" costume and the movie. We opened presents and then left to make it up to Brigham City.

Dylan got to go sledding with cousin Cavett. Christmas morning it snowed in Utah and made Christmas all the more exciting.
Cousins. The kids got a super cool snowman kit, now all we need is more snow in Price.
Playing Dominion with the brother in laws to escape all the chaos of kids.
We got to go to my Grandpa Charles 80th birthday party. All the Blackburns were there and it was a delight to reflect on my Handsome Grandpa's life.
Josie had a blast at Della's birthday party
Maudie and Cole
My dad built this kids table for all the grand kids for Christmas.
Trying to settle down all the grandkids we sang some songs together from Josie's music class.
The kids got to go sledding and play in the snow while at my parents house.
Group Picture - I love Dylan in this photo
Everyone is here. It may be four more years before we are all together again.
For gifts this year my family gave books. This is a picture of the books with the grandkids. It was a lot of fun. Next year we are going to do fun t-shirts.
Because my families house was full we spent two nights at my uncle and aunt Bryce and Emily. Their little boys were so nice to my kids and they had fun going there each night.
We also got to go to a Squires family dinner. There were a lot of cousins there, which is so good because so many live out of state. I got to talk to Lile and Julia. The kids were so tired from the long days so we left a little early. This picture on the left is with my uncle Phil telling stories to all the great grand kids.
After Christmas and all the family parties, Jordan took a few days off and we had a vacation with just our family. We stayed in Logan in a nice hotel. Went ice skating, swimming, shopping and out to dinner at Olive Garden. Jordan and I went on an awesome date cross country skiing. Bryce and Leslie babysat our kids which was such a blessing. It was beautiful day and teaching Jordan to ski was a delight.
We went shopping and bought some ice fishing things. While at the store the kids got hats and sunglasses. They loved it.
We were home for New Years and had fun creating some new traditions. We had tv dinners and pop for dinner, played games, made balloon animals and did our yearly time capsule.
We have had a delightful 2014 with the birth of Maudie, fun trips and health and prosperity. May we continue to serve and enjoy the beauty of the new year.
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