Friday night: USU football game at Mary's house
Saturday morning we went to Emme's Soccer game. Girls night out we made this cute craft.

When we go outside, Dylan always goes for the four wheeler, he just climbs up and sits on it. He also likes to chew on the pears, from our tree.

Our rabbit has been so much fun, but sometimes is hard to catch. We brought the slide in the house for the winter and the kids love it. I think they play on it more inside than outside.
Blanding Fall Trip: Jordan planning the trip, his favorite thing to do.
Day 1: Just our family in Canyonlands National Park. We were pleasantly surprised. Lovely time of year to go. Perfect weather and not too many people.

We went on a awesome hike that was supposed to be 3 miles and ended up being more like 5, but it was worth it. So beautiful!!!
Everyone on my side of the family was there and the cousins had the time of their lives.

Group Shot
Day 3: Fourwheeling in Arch Canyon
My dad on his motor bike, having the time of his life.

We stayed in a place in Blanding that had a fun zipline and tramp, hot tub and plenty of room for all of us.
Gathering around the table for dinner. It was so much fun to have everyone there and we want to make it some sort of tradition while Brenda lives in New Mexico.
When we got back from Blanding, Jordan was called to be the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric. Such a neat experience this has been. His father came down to set him apart as High Priest and my whole family was there. Our lives have gotten busier but we are excited for what lies ahead. I am so proud of Jordan and good righteous man he is.

Spending a little time outside, before it gets cold. A dozen of our eggs. We get about three a day, almost too many for us to eat.

Coloring on Dad's engineering sheets from work.
Just a little dress up.

Dylan falls asleep on the ground now that he can crawl out of bed.
Spent some time in Centerville hanging out with Bart. He just got his dream job and I am so proud of him.

Love my life and the ones in it.

Yates' Annual Halloween party. Jordan had the 50 miler bike ride, so I went up the just the kids. We had a ton of fun.

Treats I made for a Halloween party

Marty McFly and and Doc Brown from back to the future.

Josie was the good witch Glinda from wizard of oz and Dylan as a scarecrow. We spent Halloween at the ward party and had a party at a friends house the next night. So much fun.

We joined in on the fun later.

Fishing at Gigliotti Pond. Josie caught her own fish and so did Jordan.

Caught you guys with cheez-its!
Playing with the flannel boards Sunday morning before church.
Can you tell what stories Josie created? Tree of Life and Nephi and his ship (Except his ship was way too small and all the people nearly made it sink :))
Looks like fun Carly!