25 February 2013

Birthday Fun and More!

Disclaimer: There are lots of pictures, I lost our camera charger so I couldn't update for a while and now I have lots of catch up to do. 

Josie Turns 3!!!!!
So this is the cake I made Josie that took forever but it turned out so cute. We took it to storytime and on the way there it slide off and got destroyed. Sad day, but I had a back up and I did get pictures taken. It was so much fun and easy, just time consuming. 

 At storytime on her Birthday eating cake with all her friends. She didn't really like the attention.
 McDonalds for her birthday dinner. Who knew Thursday night we would have the place to ourselves.

 Playing with her dinosaurs she got for her birthday. They are a handmedown from a friend and we all love them. Some of them walk and roar.

 We met up with some family at Thanksgiving point and went to the dinosaur museum and it was a blast. Josie was so excited and talked about it for weeks leading up to it. We got to see cousins and Grandparents. Thanks all who came.

 Josie's birthday present from my mom. She did a charcol drawing of Josie when she was 2. I love it and it fits in so well with our house. My mom is amazing!
 Josie got a fishing pole and net for her birthday and she spent all morning "catchin" her brother. Surprisingly he loved it.
I finished this cute sign and had it up in time for the Valentines day! Thanks Chelsea for the kit!

  Having some fun!

 I finally got a new stove, and I love it! Josie thinks the small oven is hers though. We got a super good deal on it because it is a color nobody really wants anymore. 
 Making a fort using our fort kit Josie got for Christmas!

 Dylan is standing by himself, and playing so well with toys. I love watching him crawl with one hand and push a car with the other. He is such a boy!

 My sister Bonnie came and visited and thinks she is going to go to school down here. I am so excited to have some family nearby!

 So being winter our kids were sick for a little bit and I got these fever relief things with Mickey Mouse on them and Josie would not take it off. She was so funny about it. 
Matching Shirts!

 Re fried Beans!
Going fo a walk with Lydia (a super cute girl I help watch) Dylan loves his little friend!

 Swinging and dreaming of spring!
 The other weekend we had a beautiful day, so we went hiking!!!! It was muddy but so much fun. We hiked to these cool waterfalls, each with a kid on our back. I am definitely out of shape though by the end of the 3 mile hike I was exhausted!

The truck after coming back from our hike, Cost Jordan $12 to clean it!
Dylan had surgery to put tubes in his ears. Luckily everything went well but it was still super nerve racking while he was put out. He was such a champ and has been sleeping through the night since. Hope this is the end of his ear problems. 
 Saturday night Josie and Jordan went to a Daddy Daughter Dance! Josie LOVED it! She talked about it all day about how she was going as a princess and daddy was going as her prince. There was a promenade and everything. Fun music, treats and of course DADDY!


  1. Carly!! Your kids are looking so big!! I can't believe it. They are so cute. It's so fun to see what you guys have been up to. That drawing your mom made is amazing, such talent. And the cake you made? Also amazing, I love it! Glad to see you guys are doing well.

  2. So fun! I loved the daddy daughter date. What a fun idea. Your cake was fabulous too! You're so creative. What a fun month.

  3. So cute Carly! You're kids are adorable!
