20 October 2015

September 2015

 The month of September has been a little crazy. It has been a hard month and luckily October got better. Here is a list of the bad: Truck had several costly repairs, our sewer back up, our toilet got clogged, Cami's car was in the shop for a while, Jordan was miserable at work and therefore onry at home, the kids were constantly sick and I got super sick and was out for a week, and Bonnie came home from her mission early. Although it was a miserable month we did do fun things.

 Josie was in soccer and had a blast, Dylan with his bad attitude about singing at the library.

Bryan and Sheena came and visited. We went four wheeling up Joe's Valley. It was a blast and we had fun with our visitors. 

Dylan decided to make a meal in the sandbox. 

 Daddy's girl
 For FHE we went to the exercise park and rode bikes on the bike path.

 Dylan started preschool and absolutely loves it. Here are from the first day of school. Silly boy

 Cucumber are pretty much the only thing we got from our garden. The tomatoes never got red and everything else got eaten by the deer.

 My family had a reunion at my uncle Phil's cabin up by Causey reservoir. We met at the park and did bottle rockets.

 Collect leaves on hikes, went canoeing.
Danced and relaxed.

 Matching shirts with all the cousins. Bonnie got home just two days before our reunion, so we were all there. On sunday was Calista's little girl Ayleena's blessing.

 Camille's car. Her hood flipped up and hit the windshield. Her car was in the shop for two weeks and it was crazy trying to get rides firgured out with two cars and three busy people.

Brenda came and spent some time on her way home. We got to spend a lot of time with cousins and had a blast. They played well. Brenda bought a house and moved in right before she came up. I am so happy for her. 

 We drove over to Vernal for McClains homecoming and my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. We did a session at the temple and ate at Golden Corral.

We found out we are having another little girl and gave the kids pink suckers to tell them and keep them quite as we drove to provo. We met up with Jordan's parents and Leigh and Reed and had dutch oven.

Jordan's parents came and visited and got to watch Josie play soccer and the primary program. It was great to have them come.

 What our living room looks like every night. The kids love books lately and now they are all over the floor all the time.
 While I was sick the kids got into the flour, sugar and oats. Maudie thinks that messes are cool.

We ended the month by going to Brigham and Centerville for Conference.