A New Year!
Our theme for this year is CHERISH:
time with Bonnie
time with Cami
time before Josie goes to school
a summer of campouts
our yard
I spent some time and money to buy more bins and organize our toys and crafts a little more.
We drove down to Moab the first weekend in January to pick up Bonnie who spent a week in New Mexico with Brenda. We went on a hike to Corona Arch. It was absolutely delightful. Beautiful day, awesome hike and fun company. It is a must if you have never done the hike.
Bonnie took Josie to the rock shop in Moab.
We have been spending more time down stairs with Bonnie, now that there is a couch and it is painted. The kids love it. Maudie is starting to scoot and crawl and is sitting up really well. She is such a cutie.
It has been a rather warm January and we have gone to the park about two times.
I got Maudie's six month picture up with the other kids. It makes my heart smile. My kids are so cute and I am glad they are mine. Maudie and Josie are wearing the same dress. Maudie definitely has a different look, then the other two.
We have tried to be more consistent with family home evening. This was bowling with plastic cups. Dylan fell and hit his head in the closet and it busted open and bled everywhere. It was at night and we really didn't want to go to the hospital. Instead we super glued it together and it has healed fine.
I drove up with Just Maudie one Saturday to visit with some high school friends. It was good to visit and for a little bit and go shopping with my mom.
I am teaching the 7, 8, and 9 year olds this year in primary and it has been a blast. It keeps me busy, and I have to plan a little bit more. There are about 18 in my class but I average around 10 on Sundays.
Reading library books, I always get at least 20 books every two weeks, so we go through a lot of reading. Josie is doing well in her online preschool and is starting to read, which is so fun.
two yolks from the small eggs from the store. Our chickens haven't been laying much and so I had to start buying eggs again.
Josie loves to doodle. This is her special book that she colors in with Bonnie. Dylan loves his rescue puppy shirt and wants to wear is all the time.
Because of the good weather we have done a lot outside. We went on a hike up a random canyon.
Sunday Best pictures. It has been nice having church start at 11. Jordan is even around a little bit to help. Bonnie also has church at that time and so we see her in the mornings.
The great hunt panel that looks awful lot like the story of Ammon
So we went to the library and Dylan decided he wanted the puzzle on the bottom of the stack. In the process ALL 36 puzzle crashed to the floor. Needless to say we spent the next 40 minuted putting them all back together. Josie was such a good sport and helped.
Every year we put snowflakes on the window in January. This year they are colored and give us hope that we might get some snow.
Dylan flushed this lovely bottle down the toilet. It took several days to get it fixed. I am so grateful we have two bathrooms and it is amazing how inconvenient it is to walk all the way downstairs to use the toilet.
We still go to the Library once a week in Helper for storytime, We also have been going once a week to price library. It is so good to see my kids love books.
Dylan fell asleep watching show with Josie.
The kids are impossible to keep out of the kitchen. They are always hungry and wanting to snack. This is what I found in the kitchen one day. I am not quite sure they had any success with the cheese. The kids love getting the mail. I watch from the porch as they hold hands down to the mail box. 
We have definitely taken advantage of the good weather. We went Geocaching up Spring Canyon and went and looked at the ghost town. The kids had a blast finding the caches, and we put our own signature treasure in each one we find. It is the perfect family activity.
Jordan and I got to go to the temple. We drove up early on a Saturday. It is our goal to go once a month, which is incredibly hard when we don't live very close to a temple and we have three kids. Anyhow one month down only 11 more to go. It was a lovely drive where Jordan and I got to talk with silence in the car. We stopped at the RC Willey warehouse sale and got this lovely rug for our front room. It is absolutely perfect. It only took 3 years to find.
I am working on the stairs going down into the basement. I chiseled off the laminate and glue and we sanded them down. They are not quite finished, but here the the before images. The black is what all the stairs had on them. It has ended up being a huge pain, but they will look nice when they are done.
Maudie is teething, it seems all month. Her cheeks are rosy a lot. Nothing has come in, but hoepfully soon. She is not a happy camper most days and almost every night :(