Labor Day Weekend - Road Trip to Moab
We went to Canyonlands and drove the shafter trail. Zig zagged down steep slopes and saw awesome views. At the bottom we were next to the river that you can see from dead horse state park. It was a really long dirt road drive all the way back to Moab, but beautiful.
In Moab we ate lunch with Brenda and my mom as they were headed back up to Centerville and we were in Moab at the same time. After lunch we took our family and went hikig up to a swimming hole. It was a blast. The trail was awesome, easy and the perfect temperature.
I went up to Centerville with Brenda and our 6 kids together. We saw Camille play soccer, and visited Calista, Chelsea and Grandpa and Grandma Yates. I stocked up on food storage at Maceys too.
Grandpa and Maudie. Josie loves hanging out in Cami's room.
On the way home I was going to take the kids to the zoo, but it was closed. I took them to the new aquarium instead and they loved it. My favorite was the penguins.
Craft night we made these spell books.
September we really stocked up on food storage and now it feels so good to be able to see my 'grocery store' downstairs. I am super grateful we have such an awesome cold storage room.
Josie is doing an online preschool and also is in a coop. We did tye-dye for science and it was so much fun. We got a lot of rain and more flooding, luckily we didn't get any damage.
Dinner time seems to be the most stressful time of the day. It is hard to cram into our little nook for dinner and half the time we are just trying to get Dylan to sit down and not throw his food.
We love Bonnie. She has been bust since school started but she comes and does laundry here once a week. and we love it.
I made this wreath and it turned out awesome, I love it and now I am doing them for the ward super Saturday. Since it is turning cold I have tried to take the kids to the park on any warm day. Josie is getting the hang of moneky bars.
Maudie is just a delight. She cries a lot and is very tempermental, but when she is happy, she is happy! We love her to pieces. She is starting to laugh and smile more and will tell us stories. She can also roll from her stomach over to her back.
The weekend we blessed Maudie we had Bryan and Sheena come and stay with us Friday night. We stayed at our house and had dutch oven, star gazing and slept in the tent in the yard.
Saturday we went to the top of Huntington and met Jordan's parents and Aaron and went four-wheeling and kayaking.
We had so much fun the kids just tired out and slept on the ground.
Uncle Bart handing out with the kiddos.
Maudie Leigh Yates - Blessing day. It was a delight. Jordan did an amazing job. His blessing lasted about 10 min and was more of a sermon to everyone. I bawled the whole way through it. It amazes me how he can receive revelation. Our families came down and everyone was there except Brenda's family and Ben Nielsen. I had to sing in Sacrament meeting, a Child's Prayer and barely made it through without crying too much.
We had Navajo tacos and scones and enjoyed our yard and family. I got sunburned from the day before and looked pretty ridiculous, but oh well.
FHE we went to the bike path in Price and played on the exercise equipment and had a picnic.
Josie ran through the sprinklers even though it was super cold and Dylan just watched.
They painted and updated a small park in Helper that we call the rainbow park. We had a picnic lunch there and built a fort under the platform. 
We went on a candy spree to the Gas station. We do it more in the winter. We go to the gas station and the kids pick out one little treat and we eat it outside. Its a fun little tradition we do.
My three kiddos!! Love them to pieces.
Kids day at the park, had all kinds of blow up toys, rocket launching, face painting and free lunch. We love how Carbon County has so many family friendly things throughout the year.
After kids day in the park we went to the High School where the Jazz dunk team came and performed. They also had dancers from the area perform. Josie like the little girls in their cute outfits, so we came home and made up a dance. (Its too much money to pay someone to do something you can do in your front room)
Just a little produce from our garden. We had a whole bunch of tomatoes come up from last year.
My shelf for October. The banner is reversible for fall.
Cooking with mom, helping her organize Maudie's clothes, and giving Maudie kisses.
One friday night we drove up to Santaquin and went to the pumpkin patch. It was sooooo much fun. We ate apples, cheese, bread, popcorn, ice cream and rode on the hay wagon. We were like the only ones there and got any pumpking for $3. We rode the slide, cars, maze and cherished the fall and beauty.
Coming back from the pumpkin patch my pumpkin rolled off the wagon and the kids thought it was hilarious seeing it bounce along the rode. Luckily it didn't crack open.
I tried making caramel apples and Dylan helped eat the sprinkly while I tried to make them. It was hard to get the sprinkles on before the carmel hardened.
Josie absolutely loves her music class and plays the music all day long.
This is the bike that we got at Walmart for $50. It was one that had been outside, but it looked perfectly fine. Bonnie was with me and we squished it into the van. I am so happy!
Beautiful fall and our Beautiful home.