Jordan is back from Cincinnati and I am back from Centerville. He didn't take any pictures but enjoyed his time eating out, going to baseball games, lounging around in his hotel room and oh ya the reason he went getting trained for some new laser software.
After spending a week in Centerville with so much going on, I find myself quite bored at home in Price. I try to keep myself busy but find myself counting the hours until Jordan comes home from work. Here are some things I have done to keep myself busy:
I decided to try and learn to crochet. Problem is I am no good. I won't show my attempts, but it gives me something to do while I watch sesame street with Josie.
Looking, Looking and Looking for houses. Ones with nice big yards, and ones that fit in our price range. Jordan spends his time looking with me and I am afraid we are almost obsessed, but still being patient for the perfect one to come on the market.
And finally:
Life is good here in Price! We have friends a lovely place to live, and Jordan has a great job. Now all we need is summer weather and lots of weekends to go camping. If you are ever headed to Moab, stop by. If not at least honk as you pass by.