Willard Peak - Josie did fine the whole time until we got to the top and she was done riding in her little carrier. It was a beautiful view and quite fun.

The View

Jordan's dad rented a small japanese truck and my family brought four wheelers and we went to the top of Willard peak for fall break.

Seeing the salmon spawn at porcupine reservior

Playing with a mirror

Dr. Suess. One of my favorite outfits of Josie's.

Riding in the airplane.

Taking a bath with Dee when she came and had a sleepover.

Cutie Pie - right before we went to Willard Bay boating with Jordan's family during peach days.

Sunday best!

Labor day weekend. Fishing with the Yates

Sunday Best with Daddy

Sunday best with mommy.

Don't be fooled, I really do like my car seat.

Mantua Reservoir - Friday night activity

My Cool Electromagnetic spectrum in my classroom.